

Kanuti Gildi SAAL is a contemporary performing arts centre in Tallinn. One of our main activities is to co-produce artworks in collaboration with institutional partners and artists. We organize various festivals and facilitates residencies in order to support artists in their creative process.


Kanuti Gildi SAAL was established mainly for freelance artists. We are offering artists possibilities to create new and original artworks: to research, develop and put their ideas to practice, to experiment and take risks. We aren't afraid to work with the unknown – new formats and ideas still in development.


One of the main activities of Kanuti Gildi SAAL is to co-produce work in collaboration with partners and artists. Every season sees up to 15 premieres. In addition, we are facilitating residencies with various objectives in order to give artists the space and time for developing their ideas.


Kanuti Gildi SAAL is sharing the mental space with artists and other like-minded centres across the world. We are part of the international circulation - considering not only the local scale but a wider scope of our activity while putting together creative teams or a program. Touring abroad is a crucial part of our co-production work and we are the most widely touring performing arts institution in Estonia. For example, 91 guest performances were given by our collaborating artists in 15 different countries in 2019, that is two performances in a week on average.


Kanuti Gildi SAAL is organising the longest standing international performing arts festival in Tallinn - SAAL Biennaal (2001-2014 Augusti TantsuFestival). Since 2022 the festival Switchover has yearly been taking place in Tartu. We are the co-organisers of the festival NU Performance Festival (since 2005). The international festivals are an opportunity for the Estonian audience to see works from abroad. In addition, we hold an annual local festival for short works Made in Estonia Maraton (since 2006).


In addition to performances, Kanuti organizes a variety of events to activate the audience and always strives to engage with the most current issues in art and society. It stays in close dialogue with the community and constantly reframes its place in the performing arts field. We have become a meeting place and a hub for curious-minded people.


Kanuti Gildi SAAL is located in the heart of Tallinn Old Town, showcasing contemporary art between historic town walls. The very first documented professional theater show in Estonia took place in the same location, in the Saint Canute Guild House in 1633. Although we operate in a building with centuries-long history, we stay acutely connected to the present and always stand with one foot in the future.


Program curator

Eneli Järs

Maarja Kalmre (on maternity leave)

Kaie Küünal

General manager

Priit Raud

Technical coordinator

Henry Kasch

Marketing and communications

Mesike Tõrv

Project and touring manager

Kaie Küünal

Kerly Ritval

Siim Tõniste

Maarja Kalmre (on maternity leave)

Eneli Järs

Graphic Design

Jaan Evart

Risto Kalmre


Krista Jakobson-Hadar

House manager

Kaius Põder


Mesike Tõrv

Creative advisory council

Sille Pihlak

Priit Raud

Kaie Küünal

Eero Epner

Maarja Kalmre (on maternity leave)

Marten Esko

Eneli Järs

Jaan Evart


creative advisory council

Eero Epner, Marten Esko, Jaan Evart, Eneli Järs, Maarja Kalmre, Kaie Küünal, Kaie Olmre, Sille Pihlak, Priit Raud, Annika Üprus



20th anniversary book

Eelmisel hooajal 20. sünnipäeva tähistanud Kanuti Gildi SAAL andis sel puhul välja raamatu «20 aastat festivali», mis mõtestab ühe etendusasutuse loomise, institutsiooniks saamise ja erinevate seda saatvate ning kulgevate nüansside lugu. Raamatu sündi on panustanud suur hulk kultuuri- ja etenduskunstimaailma teoreetikuid ja praktikuid, Kanuti Gildi SAALi praeguseid ja endiseid töötajaid ning vabatahtlikke. Raamatu ülesehitus on inspireeritud vanalinnas asuva eripalgelise ajalooga gildihoone ruumidest, mida ilmestavad ka Alan Proosa tehtud fotod praegusest interjöörist. Koostajad on Maarja Kalmre ja Hedi-Liis Toome.

Raamatut saab soetada 20 euro eest Kanuti Gildi SAAList, kirjutades või tellida otse Rahva Raamatust või Apollost

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Supporters and networks