made in estonia maraton 2017 schedule

18:00 black box
Henri Hütt “Sisenemine sisenemisse (osa 1)” 4’
Evi Pärn & Jekaterina Kultajeva “Just died” 2’
Kristina-Maria Heinsalu & Doris Feldmann “Selgushetk väikese hilinemisega” 3’
Kirsi Mari Lepik “Kihid” 7’
Evi Pärn & Jekaterina Kultajeva “Just died” 2’
Katrin Kreutzberg “Ühele kohale rütmiseeritud tantsuline aktiviteet, mille muu kui techno saatel. Palju önne, Maraton!” 9’
Üüve-Lydia Toompere “maratoni tantsu workshop” 10’ / laval: Siim Tõniste, Kaie Küünal

19:00 stage with screen
Laurien Bachmann & David Wittinghofer “Show must go on” 6’
Roland Arnoldt & Eerik Kändler “Push the Button” 6’
Henri Hütt “Parema kontakti suunas” 5’
Ronja Rūta Pakalne & Janis Rhizohvs “Awakening” 10’
Karolin Poska “Tesla tantsijad” 4’ / laval: Triin Marts, Kaie Küünal
Jaak Sapas “frame 2” 8’
Chungin “Surm Berghainis” 10’
Minna Triin Kohv “True colors” 7'
Steve Vanoni “3 actions for a GAY and Muslim Estonia” 15’

20:30 naked stage
Henri Hütt “Sisenemine sisenemisse (osa 2)” 4’
Raho Aadla “Kuidas saada taeva kehaks” 10’
Aimur Takk “A0” 1’
Anna Kaarma “A6-A0” 6’ / laval: Maria Kesküla
Liis Vares & Pavel Semjonov “vasak parem” 10’
Laur Kaunissaare “4. märts, 2017” 2’
Joanna Kalm “Puhtuses peitub ilu” 5’

NB! made in estonia maraton visitors have free entrance to the afterparty at KuKu Klubi!

“condemned forever to becoming and never to being” (Karl Scheffler)

It seems that nowadays many try to emphasize the power of final product rather than the process. Marathon was born in the spirit of process and it will never be completely ready, there’s just too many variables.

It’s a festivity, which celebrates liberalism and performing arts: performers of all countries, unite! It’s a real performing arts Bacchanalia, which happens traditionally in three different settings (although everything can change): black, white and “naked” stage.

After the tenth jubilee (there’s some arguing over this aswell) we are going together to the after party at KuKu Klubi, where we continue the night with even freer stage and programme. Things are all fixed, but the One hasn’t told us yet, what exactly is going to happen. Maybe we will get bread and circuses, maybe not even that. In this existing world nothing is certain and it’s an honour to celebrate its potentiality and impossibility along with all. MARATON, LET’S GO!

Artists of current marathon: Joanna Kalm, Chungin, Henri Hütt, Roland Arnoldt & Eerik Kändler, Karolin Poska, Steve Vanoni, Lauren Bachmann & David Wittinghofer, Üüve-Lydia Toompere, Katrin Kreutzberg, Raho Aadla, Kirsi Mari Lepik, Evi Pärn & Jekaterina Kultajeva, Minna Triin Kohv, Liis Vares & Pavel Semjonov, Pärtel Eelmere, Anna Kaarma, Aimur Takk, Jaak Sapas, Kristina-Maria Heinsalu & Doris Feldmann etc.

PS. After party at KuKu Klubi!