NB! “Schuldfabrik” is a multi-room parcour installation for up to 6 participants at a time that takes place in Kanuti Gildi SAAL starting from Cellar Hall (Pühavaimu 5):
15.08 between 17:00-20:00, entrance for 6 persons every 20 min (last admittance at 20:00)
16+17+18.08 between 15:00-18:40, entrance for 2 persons every 20 min (last admittance at 18:40)

You can choose a suitable time when buying from Piletilevi.

Wash the pain away!

“Schuld” is a German term that implements two different yet related meanings: “guilt” as a moral duty and “debt” as an economical obligation. Schuldfabrik explores the conflict between these notions and their potential valorisation. Schuldfabrik proposes contemporary forms of indulgence trade. In collaboration with plastic surgeons and their clients, Julian Hetzel created a soap from human fat that is sourced from liposuctions. “Self – Human Soap” is made from people for people.

Schuldfabrik is a multi-room parkour; a soap shop, a beauty clinic, a confessionary and a sustainable system of up-cycling guilt. The installation has several entrances yet no way out. In Schuldfabrik the collective obligation to remember is put into dialogue with the individual right to forget.

“Although you wash yourself with soap and use an abundance of cleansing powder, the stain of your guilt is still before me”.

Julian Hetzel works as performance maker, musician and visual artist. He develops works along the intersection of theatre, music and media that have a political dimension and a documentary approach. His works are produced and presented internationally: Spielart-Festival Munich (DE), Theater der Welt Mannheim (DE), Festival Theaterformen Hannover (DE), Steirischer Herbst Graz (AT), Brut Vienna (AT), Frascati Amsterdam (NL), STUK Leuven (BE), Kaai Theater Brussels (BE), National Theatre Riga (LV), Espacios Revelados Buenos Aires (ARG), Malta Festival Poznan (PL), Quadrienale Prague (CZ). He was awarded the “Nieuwe-Makers-subsidie” from the Dutch Fonds Podiumkunsten and became associated artist at SPRING Performing Arts Festival Utrecht between 2014 – 16.
Julian Hetzel is Born in the Black Forest (DE), currently based in Utrecht (NL). He studied at Bauhaus University Weimar with a focus on visual communication. He graduated from DasArts; Amsterdam an artistic research laboratory for new forms of theatre and performing arts in 2013. He is founding member of the electro-pop band Pentatones. On 2016 Julian Hetzel visited Tallinn with his performance "Sculpting Fear" that was presented at Vaba Lava.
