"The dog continues to exist behind the corner". Video project screening

During its first year of life a child starts to understand that objects continue to exist even when they can’t be perceived. Objects have a separate existance from us even when we can’t see, touch, smell or hear them. Jean Piaget, the 20th century Swiss developmental psychologist, named this understanding Permanence de l'objet, object permanence. He believed that the conception of objects as separate entities is a fundamental step in developing our sense of space and sense of self, as well as imagination and language. This understanding expands our perception, we develop the understanding of a world beyond our immediate, personal experience. Objects, in their material and immaterial forms, not only live their own lives, they also continuously shape us and our ways of being.

From this starting point 6 artists explore the interconnectedness of our perception, behaviour, thinking and creativity with objects and the material world around us. Heleliis Hõim, Silvia Sosaar, Maris Karjatse, Kadi Reintamm, Carl-Robert Kagge and Tamar Paal explore obsessions, habits, anxieties, desires and attachments that objects and objectification bring forth in us.