Unustage laul, unustage bel canto. Isabelle Duthoit hääl viib meid otsekontakti häälega. See on füüsiline helikogemus
Isabelle Duthoit on professionaalne klarnetimängija, kes alustas vokaalikatsetusi autodidaktina. Hiljem on ta hääletehnikaid õppinud Jaapani Noh ja Bunraku teatrite juures Kyotos.
Improviseerijana on tema pikas koostööpartnerite nimistus näiteks Phil Minton, Tim Hodginson, Luc Ex, Franz Hauzinger, Daunik Lazro jpt

Taavi Kerikmäe is a pianist and electron musician. His music can be described as musique concret that is played live. Taavi is fascinated by acoustic objects with their uniqe timbers and acoustic features.

“Sound deals with us and we deal with sound”

Improtest is concert series that brings improvisational music from local and foreign authors to local audience. The concerts have been taking place since 2005 once a month.