The summer of 2023 was the hottest of the measuring history of the northern hemisphere, forests in the USA, Russia and Greece are burning, Rwanda, Congo and Belgium are constantly flooded and the biodiversity of the Philippines, Indonesia and India is being destroyed at an accelerating pace.

Welcome, climate dominatrix - seeking control in a situation where any ability to control the situation has been taken away from you.

Searching for climate justice in a country where an SUV is the national car and the national hero is either a young man with a fast computer or an old one, who was in the right spot at the right time.

The residency is a thematic continuation of Margaret's sociological article “Matter and meaning: the body as a tool for demanding climate action and justice” (written with Antje Jacobs and prof. Karin Hannes) soon to be published at the Social Inclusion journal. The article was built around the central question: “how the body acts as a tool for climate change, particularly looking into how the body relates to and engages with different matters, and how such engagements create meaning”.

The showing is a poetically political academic lecture introducing the research made during the residency, or just a gathering of people

Margaret Tilk (1999) is a young artist-researcher born in Estonia and raised in Finland, who is currently interested in the role of the body in climate activism, the interweaving of sociology and art, and posthumanist feminism. Tilk has obtained a master's degree in cultural sociology at KU Leuven in Belgium, a bachelor's degree in semiotics at the University of Tartu. At the moment she is studying social design at the master`s program of the Estonian Academy of Arts. As part of Paide Theatre she has been winner of the 2021 Estonian Theatre Association board award and a nominee for the performing arts award. Tilk has written essays, reviews and articles, curated, produced and conceptualized.