GLEN (Great Little European Network) connects the smallest countries of Europe through common networking and training programmes with the objective of contributing to designing more meaningful practices and more sustainable performing arts sectors in the concerned countries, interconnecting them and taking a prominent place on the international scene. The network aims to be an incubator for those who, while benefiting from a local anchorage, ambition to develop their practice internationally.

The next webinar will be about Collective Curation.
Date & Time: Tuesday 7th May 2024 at 12PM CET
Maarja Kalmre and Siim Tõniste, both employed by Kanuti Gildi SAAL, will share their individual and collective experience on the topic of shared artistic responsibility of curating as a collective. Maarja and Siim have worked together on SAAL Biennaal festival, where they were both members of an 8 people curatorial team. Additionally, Maarja is curating the main program of Kanuti Gildi SAAL with two of her colleagues.

Maarja and Siim have different and sometimes a bit conflicting views on the collective process. Which they think is great, because there is strength in plurality of opinions. To not get lost in the process, they will both try to create a personal roadmap of curating as a collective. (The linearity of which is not completely clear for them yet.)

The webinar will cover balancing practicalities and artistic agenda, as well as maintaining agency in a process that to a certain extent is spontaneous and self-developing.
The webinar is made of two parts: Shared experience and self-reflections by Siim and Maarja, followed by discussions in smaller working groups.