I’m asking you to plank for two minutes. Two is your absolute maximum and you agree to do it to prove yourself. I’ll set the timer for 4 minutes and I’ll assure you that It’s 2. You’ll do it for 4 minutes. It is extremely difficult, but since you know that you can handle 2, You’ll handle it. It’s beneficial for you that I lie.

Full honesty and transparency are not possible nor necessary. Being completely honest and transparent in theatre is not possible nor necessary. Even the so-called self-evident performer lies and the audience loves it. The audience wants mysticism, so that in their greed of truth, they themselves could be the ones who inherit the honor of finding it. Fiction can fake it comprehends the existence of the audience but in reality the performance will go on even if you stop asking questions. 

Concept as vague and subjective as “truth”, which is essentially present only as a totem-keyword and an obsession, should not be fully interpreted. It’s either non-existent or we just do not know it or we haven’t agreed on it yet. Living without the truth is an unpleasant condition, but if you practice interpreting the truth for too long, the idea of the big truth becomes a big vomit. “Truth and Justice” is also not necessary. Everything has already been done anyway, and inadvertently it is plagiarism to begin with. The author is influenced by their friends, teachers, the old, the system etc. It’s called cryptomnesia. I learned about it yesterday when my friends talked about music in Shnelli park. Anyway, thank you for giving us all that time out of your life. And Tammsaare is not mentioned on purpose.

Performance is sponsored by experts of Cultural Endowment of Estonia according to their truth covering “Performers Aarne Soro rehearsal period fee.” Asking money from the audience is a worn-out act by now, but practical need highlights it again. Thus, you can boldly debunk Dramatic Art Endowment’s truth and invest  in culture through your subjective opinion by using the charity box.

Liisbeth Horn is a freelance artist, philosopher and graduate dance teacher, who deals with theoretical and existential questions unnecessary in practice. In 2020 she was awarded Komissarov’s scholarship and in 2021 a spontaneous director’s award. Criticises the system, but still graduates cum laude.