“small talk”
polite conversation about unimportant or uncontroversial matters, especially as engaged in on social occasions.

There is no exact equivalent for 'small talk' in Estonian.
small talk / big moves
What is the embodied experience/ expression of small talk? How does small talk move and what agendas or impulses drive it? What is left when words are removed?
We both work in the intersection of theatre and dance and therefore we are interested in the collaboration of words and movement - both in conflict and harmony. As Douglas Dunn has articulated (already in 1973): talking is talking is dancing is dancing is talking is dancing is talking is talking is dancing is dancing.
Information about residency and showings [www.pyhavaim.blogspot.com]( http://www.pyhavaim.blogspot.com/)& [www.saal.ee](http://www.saal.ee/)
Residency is supported by: Eesti Kultuurkapital