When I first realised that I might understand what it means, it felt pretty cool. Then a few weeks passed and I still understood it. It wasn’t that cool anymore because I had no idea what to do with it. This is now there, but look at me here.

“It’s there, but look at me here” is based on understanding, experiencing and dealing with the untranslatable and multifaceted Portuguese term “saudade”. Saudade is a feeling of longing, melancholy, nostalgia, romance, solitude, sadness, happiness, … - all this towards something that no longer exists. Or perhaps never existed.

Liis Konsap is in the beginning of her journey as a performing artist. She’s currently finishing her dance art studies at Viljandi Culture Academy during which she spent an inspiring year in Portugal as an exchange student. Currently she’s interested in composing simple and everyday movements.