Kanuti is the making of infinite space.
and it aspires in a corner
to speak out with voice.
is existing
if you bother to make the space for yourself.
can not win the love of spoken theatre with war
if you
don't have the space
from something known
or around yourself
and the purpose
creator is infinite.
outside the purpose the purpose to forget don't exist
infinity's responsibility
in Kanuti something can be born which
after all is existing of colours
mattress is not existing so that
in the Future it would be possible to forget
to be awake
Art to be new
depends a lot of if somebody is still awake
it is the Artists matter to deal with things
and to make space for him/herself
he/she aspires to the chair of absence
which is for Me Conclusion
for ourselves we want to be the reason
not the conclusion
contemporaneity for Me means when
if result is an art piece
Contemporaneity means to enjoy the bonering present of the space
Precisely in the process one is an artist of the space
the Cause is space's desire to be an art piece
result is either an artist or a relation with surroundings
May be contemporary means
for audience also
constructed from something known.
Kanuti's matter is to engage towards before-nonbeing
is a place where to break the awaken space
it means
in Kanuti one can fix something
in Kanuti theres no checking that
some thing is little risk
most of the things
will fail
with equal deference.
Kanuti’s matter is to want to change something? or
to great invisible things.
if there is a space which is not existing as paradoxically
as mattress
Kanut is the relation with surroundings.
Kanuti is a place
which acts in the present.
or it doesn't exist in the future only if
something thrilling by change comes out
for praises Kanuti is impotent.
it is good as far as it is good
unachieved the spoken theater's love
in Kanuti there's a lot thinking about oneself
and So theres no point to establish anything around
the space
In the future may be one's thinking to make things from nothing
but individual freedom and creator are infinite
How the Manifest of Kanuti was born?
About a month ago the team of Kanuti Gildi SAAL invited some collaborating artists to discuss matters around SAAL's upcoming 15th birthday. You know, to talk about the party and other events around the celebrations. Very quickly we got stuck with the question that what is KGS and how to communicate its 'face' with general public. The house itself was of the opinion that KGS is its collaborating artists, that we, the artists, are KGS's 'face'.
We were dissatisfied by that answer because all the artists are very different from each other and eventually we couldn't identify with anything at all.
Sending emails back and forth, finally, Kaja came up with 10 points about the good and bad sides of the whole KGS question of identity…
Well, the rest of us didn't really hook on to her 10 points and eventually the whole discussion died out.
Time passed and the party got closer, identity or not. Don't ask me why but Kaja sent these 10 points to Chungin and Chungin gave these to Taavet who was familiar with the text from the emails. Why Taavet, you might wonder.
Well, he has made a brilliant computer program called Poetry Robot which makes great new poems from old poems. He fed Kaja's 10 points to the robot and the robot made a poem out of it, some of it nonsensical, some not. Chungin edited Robot's new poem and called it Kanuti's Manifest.
On Kanuti Gildi SAAL's birthday party me, Kaja and Chungin got on stage and performed it.
The text is originally in Estonian. We tried to keep the logic of the Poetry Robot when translating it in English. Its weird, I know.